Hope You're Hungry

I hope you're hungry. Because if you're not, you will be right after looking through this blog. But in all seriousness... the original purpose of this blog (and actually its current purpose as well) is simply to document all of the awesome recipes I've learned since I started cooking that aren't in the cookbooks that I own. This includes recipes that I've created myself, recipes that have been passed down to me from my family, and recipes that I've learned from friends/other chefs. It's more of a way for me to remember recipes and to be able to refer back to this if I forget how to make them, but it's written in a way that pretty much anyone can follow it quite easily and recreate all of the dishes that are shown. There will also be some celebrity appearances (aka contributions from chef friends of mine) so stay tuned and stay hungry!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Basic Fish

This is a real easy one. Learned it from my popz... apparently it can be used for ANY fish (his words) but today we used halibut. Doesn't really have a name so I'll call it "Basic Fish". I took a few pictures but it was with my phone and I'm not yet sure how to upload them so yall will have to deal with all text for now. In the future all of these recipes will include a LOT of pictures.

Anyway... here's the ingredients.

3 fish filets of any kind
3 cloves of garlics
2 spring onions
1 thing of ginger
cooking oil
soy sauce

First you'll need to prepare the ingredients for the sauce. Slice the spring onions but do it so that the slices are LONG instead of little bits like how'd you'd usually chop it.

Cut the pointy, hard end off each clove of garlic. Crush the clove of garlic with your knife (I was using a pretty big knife so it was easy) and chop it into little pieces. You don't need to chop it that much just make sure it's in pieces and not just one huge crushed clove. Do this with each clove.

Cut the ginger into a few thin slices, then cut these into thin strips. Amount of ginger you use should be roughly equal to the amount of spring onions.

Put spring onions/garlic/ginger aside for now. You'll use it later.

Put oil into the wok and let it heat up. Medium - medium high heat should be good. Place each fish filet into the wok one by one and just let it cook. Cover the wok.

You can move the fish filets around if you want it to cook more evenly. Eventually, the bottom of the fish filets will start to brown... once they start to brown in the center of the bottom side, you can flip them over. Let them cook for a few more minutes... you can check if they are done by looking into the middle of the filet/checking if they come apart easily.

Remove them when they are done. Put a little more oil into the wok, let it heat up, and then add the garlic/spring onions/ginger. Let them cook until the garlic softens (should just be 2 minutes or so) and then add soy sauce. I used around two tablespoons but you can add as much or as little as you like. Let it cook for another minute or so, then pour it over the fish.

This dish is GREAT with rice :).

Side note... he also taught me a great way to cook broccoli. This might be way too basic for some of you veterans out there. Basically just chop up the broccoli, wash it, put oil into the wok, and throw the broccoli in. Flip it a couple times with the spatula to make sure the oil gets distributed, then cover the wok and let it cook. Check periodically and add some water if you think it's getting too dry. Eventually it'll start to darken and you'll know it's done. Add garlic salt and stir it up some more.

Delicious and healthy.

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